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Mobile VAS in India

A Report by IAMAI & eTechnology Group@IMRB

Mobile VAS of India Over the last 5 years, the telecom industry has realised the importance of Mobile Value Added Services. Given the declining ARPU and increasing competition among operators it is imperative to focus on alternate revenue streams. That is where there is a felt need for capitalizing on the Value Added Services Market.

Today the various MVAS entities are still struggling with issues such as the correct definition of MVAS, the roles and responsibilities of each entity in the value chain, revenue sharing arrangements between them and other critical issues such as regulation of the MVAS market. This report presents these key issues in detail and provides a neutral perspective to the industry.

It provides a clear and precise definition of MVAS, its various categories existing in India, the MVAS still evolving and thus changing ecosystem along with the current revenue sharing scheme between various entities, its drivers and barriers along with its future in India.


The research team at eTechnology Group@IMRB conducted the research through 2 key modules – Primary research and extensive Desk research.

Primary Research was conducted using in-depth interviews across a cross-section of stakeholders. These included telecom operators, content aggregators, content owners and technology enablers. The interviews were content analyzed in detail from different perspectives.

Extensive desk research was done to build an in-depth understanding of the Mobile VAS market in India. Detailed analysis of secondary information was used to arrive at the specific frameworks provided in the report. Information from various published resources such as TRAI, COAI, etc and other research bodies were also used to validate the market figures and cross-validate the data.

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