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BrandZ: Martin Guerrieria
Public relations: Lucy Edgar
BrandZ Top 50 - Most Valuable Indian Brands 2017


Ranking report
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Infographic report
Download the Infographic (pdf, 2.5 Mb)


India is changing rapidly, which presents brands with a dilemma: move too cautiously and miss opportunities; or move too quickly and make avoidable mistakes. We see this momentum in the BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable India Brands 2017, which appreciated 21 percent this year, and 57 percent over the past three years, outpacing the value growth of both the China Top 50 and the Global Top 50. Similarly, the BrandZ India Top 50 Portfolio rose 38.8 percent over the past three years, more than twice the rate of SENSEX, the Indian stock market index, which increased just 15.0 percent—demonstrating how valuable brands deliver superior stockholder returns.

This dynamism is also apparent in the churn of the India Top 50 and the emergence of new Indian brands. Only 38 brands that were in our 2014 BrandZ India Top 50 remain in the 2017 India Top 50. A brand needed to grow 48 percent just to retain its rank. Rising in the ranking required a brand to increase its value 106 percent, around twice the growth rate of the India Top 50 overall.

Brands that remain in the India Top 50 are significantly healthier than Indian brands overall, based on their Vitality Quotient (VQ), our new BrandZ measurement of brand health. In fact, the health of the India Top 50 brands is comparable to the health of the Global Top 50, the most valuable and powerful brands in the world.

This brings up the question of how the world views India, a vital topic at this point in India’s rise to global player. Business decision makers rank India low on some business dimensions, like transparency, but they rank India No. 3 in the Movers category of up-and-coming economies. This is one of many findings from Y&R’s BAV Best Countries study, which we present here for the first time in a special section called Brand India.

Throughout this report you’ll find the knowledge, intelligence, and insights necessary to keep up with brand developments in fast-changing India, and scattered throughout you’ll also find prescriptive action points for building valuable brands, provided by some of the most cutting-edge thinkers and practitioners from WPP companies in India.

In these fast-changing, complicated circumstances, what should marketers do to identify opportunities and avoid mistakes? To start, I suggest reading this report—closely. It is an example of what we at WPP call “horizontality”—informing clients with our extensive experience creating and building valuable brands, based on knowledge and insights from our presence in 112 countries.

Go to to learn more.

David Roth

CEO, The Store WPP, EMEA and Asia
Twitter: davidrothlondon